Sample Page PlansPlease Signup * Username * First Name * Last Name * Email Address * PasswordStrength: Very Weak* Insurance DetailsI confirm that I wish to arrange my insurance through the ASK Group Scheme at Balens and request details of same to enable me to do so.I confirm that I hold professional indemnity insurance and enclose a copy of my certificateI understand that until such time as I have professional indemnity insurance and a copy of the certificate has been forwarded to the membership secretary, my application is incomplete.Done(Use Cropper to set image and use mouse scroller for zoom image.) 12 Month Monthly Plan10.83€ This plan is our 12 Monthly Plan and will deduct a monthly amount from your paypal account for the subsequent 12 months.Annual Plan130.00€This plan is one payment for complete membership for a 12 month period. Student Membership Plan80.00€This plan is only for students at the start of Year 1 of Diploma – otherwise choose annual or monthly planSelect Your Payment CycleKinesiology Monthly Plan 12-monthsSelect Your Payment GatewayPaypalBank TransferWhen choosing this payment option you must select the Annual Payment plan (€130). Our Banking Details are: Acc Name: Association of Systematic Kinesiology in Ireland (clg). IBAN: IE15 BOFI 9006 0762 3648 46. BIC: BOFIIE2D Address: Bank of Ireland, Malahide. Co Dublin. K36 EH73 One you have submitted payment please complete the following details and submit this form. We will be in touch with you shortly to confirm your payment has been successful and your membership completed.Transaction IDTransaction IDPlease enter Transaction ID.Bank NameBank NamePlease enter Bank Name.Account Holder NameAccount Holder NamePlease enter Account Holder Name.Additional Info/NoteAdditional Info/NotePlease enter Additional Info/Note.How you want to pay?Auto Debit PaymentManual PaymentPayment SummaryYour currently selected plan : , Plan Amount : Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount: Submit